E-mail from Dino Meneghin…

Hello Mirco, how are you? I owe you a compliment for your great work! Your addiction to « basketballitis » makes you a special person, an incurable disease that you had better get used to! Your work will be appreciated more and more each year, giving you great satisfaction.
It has been a tremendous pleasure to meet you and I hope we will have other opportunities to get together.
Wishing you every success I remain with kind regards, Dino Meneghin

(Dino Meneghin, President of the Italian Basketball Federation and former world star player)


Mirco Cussigh has been re-elected for a 4-year term (2012-2015) to the Managing Committee of the International Festival of Sports Films and Television of Milan, considered by specialists as the most important in the world of sport.

With Dick Fosbury…

A good start to 2009 for Mirco Cussigh, who will join the International Commission (Youth, Education and Culture Committee) alongside Olympic ex-champion and current president of the World Association of Olympic Champion Athletes (W.O.A.), Dick Fosbury.

The two met in Milan in 2008 when Mirco had the honor of being his interpreter at the Sports Film Festival.

150 films…

More than 150 films exist about this sport…and if you would like to learn more about this subject, be it simply historical information or a planned exhibit, do not hesitate to contact Mirco…